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6 posts - 5 authorsHow to Make a Love Voucher Book for Valentines Day Gift. Try to make them a little bigger than a grocery coupon so you have room to decorate.
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2 Apr 2007 Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, Memorize one of Shakespeare's love sonnets and recite it to your partner when you are .... For Valentines Day , buy your partner a charm bracelet with at least 14 charms. .... For example you could have a coupon that reads This coupon
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9 Feb 2010 Valentine Fun with Guest Blogger Mae Chevrette : DIY Non-Corny Valentine's Day Coupon Book I love Valentine's Day because it's such a fun
How to Make a Love Voucher Book for Valentines Day Gift |
10 Dec 2010 A love coupon book makes a great Valentine's day gift, anniversary gift or anytime gift for your spouse or partner.
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